Debate Invitation

Dear Colleague,
Subject: An Invitation to Participate in an Open, Public, Online Debate on Radiation Hormesis
Our current radiation safety regulations require keeping radiation doses as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), even when radiation doses are already low. Such recommendations are based on the linear no‑threshold (LNT) model for radiation-induced cancer. However, doubts have arisen over the years about the validity of the LNT model, because several studies have shown that following exposure to low levels of radiation, cancer risk has been observed to decrease, consistent with radiation hormesis. If these data are valid, then following the recommendations based on the LNT model would be increasing cancer risk. Hence, it is important to determine if the evidence for radiation hormesis is valid.
To help in ascertaining the validity of the evidence for radiation hormesis, an open, public, online debate on radiation hormesis has been set up at Please see the announcement for details. We request you to examine the presented data and other evidence for radiation hormesis and refute them if you consider them to be invalid, by participating in the debate. The debate will end on October 31, 2020, and the results will be announced shortly thereafter. We wish to thank you for participating in this important debate on radiation hormesis. Your feedback on the debate is welcomed at:
Charles W Pennington,
Chairman, XLNT Foundation
On behalf of:
Scientists for Accurate Radiation Information (SARI) and
XLNT Foundation